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Mike Pettit


Vice President
Laney Bisbee

Mattie Mullen

Tournament Director
Allison Conroy


Publicity Director
Jolie Baty-Shafer

PRO Representative
Jacob Pettit

NFAA Representative
Randy Brabec

Bowhunter Director
Gunnar Mullen

Special Committee
Will Williams

Special Committee
Marv Meyers

Special Committee
Scott Meyers

Special Committee
Tammy Fontenot

To contact CSAA, please email the following email with your questions, you then will be directed to the correct officer-

A. To unite the Archery Clubs of the State of Colorado into one statewide organized unit that will work more uniformly and effectively in providing for the development of the sport of archery.


B. To provide the basic plan by which individual archers within the state may organize into clubs that can join together to for the C.S.A.A.


C. To provide the basic plan by which other organizations holding similar interests may become affiliated with the C.S.A.A.


D. To foster, expand, promote, and perpetuate the practice of Field Archery, Target Archery, and such other archery games as the C.S.A.A. and the nationally recognized archery associations may adopt; and to enforce uniform rules, regulations, procedures, conditions, and methods of playing these games.


E. To encourage the use of the bow in the hunting of all legal game birds and animals; and to protect, improve, and increase the sport of hunting with the bow.


F. To conduct educational programs designed to acquaint the public and the archer with the use of the bow for recreation and as a weapon suitable for the hunting of legal game.


G. To conduct tournaments to determine State Champions in all archery games adopted by the C.S.A.A.; and to provide sanctions for tournaments.


H. To cooperate with Federal and State agencies and sportsman conservation organizations in the propagation and preservation of game and its natural habitat.


I. To provide duly authorized representation of the C.S.A.A. to local, state, and federal agencies.


J. To cooperate with other archery organizations, both state and national, in fostering and perpetuating the use of the bow in accordance with its ancient and honorable traditions.


K. To foster and perpetuate a spirit of good fellowship and sportsmanship among archers.


L. To evolve and conduct programs that will give recognition to archers for proficiency with the bow in all sanctioned tournaments.


M. To make information available to all members in good standing as to the major problems and issues affecting the sport of archery in order that the membership may make its will known to its duly elected representatives.


N. To have an official publication or newsletter which shall be named the “Flying Arrow”.


To download a PDF of the CSAA Constitution and By-Laws 

The purpose of the CSAA
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